
Training and Development while Working from Home

working from home
Written by C Wolsey

Just because you and your team may not be working from a designated office or workspace anymore doesn’t mean that you can’t stay on top of your trade. You still need to make sure you gain access to training, and offer it to the rest of your team. On top of this, there may be certain certifications or standards that expire after a year, so it is vital that any refresher courses are booked in with plenty of time to avoid a lapse in qualifications required for the role.

Using LMS

It can be extremely easy to simplify remote training by using LMS solutions, as these can allow your team to log into their usual working account and access any required training from here. Not only will this open the door for them to be able to undertake extra training modules as and when they see fit, but you will also be able to assign specific training modules that may benefit their role requirements, or that need to be completed to keep them qualified within their job. Learning management systems may also offer the opportunity to create your own courses and training, which can be incredibly useful for changes in workplace processes.

Physical Courses

Although members of the team may be working across the country, that doesn’t mean that they cannot still access physical means of training and development. Many courses are available in a number of different locations, meaning you could still book team members onto options that are closer to their current locations. Even though online training can be useful, certain modules, such as first aid, may require a more practical approach. While you may not require some courses at the present time, it is worth considering whether a return to office working is likely to occur in the near future, so you may want to plan ahead to ensure that employees are adequately trained prior to their return.

Speaking to Employees

While it can be good to put general training and development into place for all employees, you may also wish to consider employees on an individual basis. There may be aspects of the working life that certain employees lack confidence in, so extra training modules can help to bring them up to speed. On top of this, liaising with your employees to find out where they see themselves progressing within the company can also help you to delegate training that will help them to work towards their goals. By focusing on the individual, you may be able to increase satisfaction, as they will feel like they have more of a future being employed with your business. 

Even though the working days may differ from how they did previously, the importance of training and development for team members, managers, and even yourself, is still incredibly high. Working towards greater skills and knowledge can increase productivity, boost morale, and make working processes that bit more efficient.