
Top tips for playing golf in the rain

Written by Nigel Simpkins

The weather can stop a lot of sports in its track – cricket can’t be played when it is raining and if the rain is too bad, footballers struggle.But with the right preparation, golfers can handle even heavy rain and keep playing. Here are some of the top tips from professionals on how to handle playing
golf in the rain.

Have the right waterproof gear

The first thing you definitely need is the right waterproof gear to protect you in the bad weather. Waterproofs come in various styles but also in showerproof or rainproof variations – if you want something to protect against the worst weather, then full waterproofs are what you need. Also, look for little features such as trousers bottoms to make sure water doesn’t splash up and soak your ankles.

Carry a good golfing umbrella

Golfing umbrellas are a little different to the type you see normally as they are both strong and water-resistant as well as being lightweight. Vents that stop it blowing inside out are also a good idea as an umbrella doesn’t help if it is the wrong way around or blowing off across the course. Use grips and spikes

Taking a swing in the wet and ending up on your backside might amuse your fellow players but it hurts a low. The key to making sure you don’t take a fall is to have spikes on your shoes to help anchor you to the ground. The right grip on your club is also crucial as the other thing you don’t want to do is lose your club mid-shot due to the grip being wet and slippery.

Protect your gloves

When it is raining, it is always worth carrying more than one pair of gloves. No matter how careful you are, there is going to be times when they get a bit wet. Another tip is to have a little plastic bag in a pocket where you can put your gloves between shots and ensure they stay dry. You can also get gloves with an additional wet-weather grip so look out for them if you want the extra help.

Use a waterproof bag or a trolley cover

Not only do you need to protect yourself against the weather, but you want to protect your clubs too. There are two main ways to do this. One is to invest in a waterproof bag that is similar to waterproof clothing – it allows air to flow but stop water from sneaking in. The other option is to use a trolley cover that is like a special golf bag umbrella, covering the whole bag and ensuring water can’t get in.

Carry extra towels

No matter how careful you are, water gets everywhere and that’s where having some extra towels will help. These can remove water from club handles or even from your clothes, so it doesn’t spread everywhere as you take your shot. Even if you normally carry towels when playing, take some extra ones when it is raining.

Take an extra scorecard

If you are taking part in a competitive match or just want to record your scores, it can be a good idea to carry an extra scorecard when it is wet. It is very difficult to keep it entirely dry so if it starts to get a little rain effected, swap to another one then add it all together at the end of the round. Also, consider jotting down scores every few holes rather than everyone to reduce rain exposure.

Rain playing tips

In addition to tips on what gear you should take when it is raining, there are a few tips to help with your actual play when the weather is particularly nasty. Firstly, accept that your score won’t be as good as normal in poor conditions. Even the best players are impacted by the rain and there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t get too down if you don’t get the kind of score you are used to achieving and give yourself a pass when weather conditions are against you.

Remember that the ball won’t run as much in wet conditions as in dry and factor this into how you play. Less run from the tee may mean using more club when playing the shot to compensate. Also, remember things like approach shots may just stop when they first hit the ground while putts will be slower so a little more power in the hit is often needed.

Lastly, when you are in the rough, be a bit rougher with the ball than normal. That’s because the wet grass will make the shot harder and a little more power will be needed to achieve the same distance as you would when it is dry.