It’s safe to say that Twitter is definitely one of the outlets feminists are able to use to project their views successfully in the global world. Therefore, it’s only just that someone delves into the realm of Twitter to find the Top 10 feminists. So here it is, my take on the Top 10 Feminists on Twitter.
Now before any keyboard warriors get frustrated that I haven’t mentioned their favourite feminist who deserves recognition, I understand that there are millions of feminists on the Twitter platform. However, the figures I have categorized as the Top 10 are from my own research and personal preference. If you do think that someone should be on this list, don’t hesitate to comment, I love to read about feminists from all around the world!
1) Emma Watson (@EmWatson)
(that’s what muggles like to call her anyway)
The fabulous Harry Potter star has been graced with the title of #1 feminist on Twitter.
In 2014 she was appointed UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and she launched spectacular HeForShe campaign advocating gender equality. In fact this year, she even created a feminist book club (which I am proudly a member of).
Wonderful men out there. I’m launching a campaign – #heforshe. Support the women in ur lives and sign up here now! ❤️
— Emma Watson (@EmWatson) 21 September 2014
2) Alexis Isabel (@lexi4prez)

She created the infamous website Feminist Culture, and not only does she fight for gender, cultural and racial equality all around the world, but she also created a platform for herself and her peers to present current issues and views less likely to be conveyed in traditional media.
Alexis also has a personal account to convey intersectional feminist issues as well as views regarding politics and other controversial issues today. Although she may not be as well known as other feminists, she definitely deserves a place on our list!
I bet men on Twitter who get mad at girls for posting nude pictures get really upset in classical art museums
— Alexis Isabel (@lexi4prez) 11 March 2016
Did you know…
— Feminist Culture (@feministculture) 7 January 2016
Happy #InternationalWomensDay!
— Feminist Culture (@feministculture) 8 March 2016
3) Matthew McGorry (@MattMcGorry)
He’s most famous for his roles is OITNB and How to Get Away With Murder, although he’s pretty new to the feminist scene he has undoubtedly showed that he is a proud intersectional feminist. He uses his Twitter profile as a platform to post and comment on current feminist issues, and he even created a feminist t-shirt for International Women’s Day, which turned out to be a huge success. Overall, although he’s a new feminist, his passion for feminism is undoubtedly clear, therefore he earned a spot on the list.
Matt uses his Twitter profile to encourage other men to join the feminist fight against sexism and inequality:
I encourage my male friends to learn about & stand up against sexism. Bc otherwise we are saying, “Not our problem.” #LeanInTogether
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) 25 March 2016
And, here is his fabulous feminist t-shirt,
HAPPY INT’L WOMEN’S DAY!!! My shirt is on sale for 2 weeks benefitting pro-choice @NARAL
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) 8 March 2016
4) Lilly Singh aka Superwoman (@IISuperwomanII)
She is a Youtuber, entertainer and is renowned in the film industry. Lilly posts comical videos about society and even dresses up as her parents.
This year she created a feminist movement, #GirlLove, which fights against girls hating one another. In fact the movement focuses on how you should be able to support your fellow girls throughout life instead of bringing them down to make yourself feel better. The movement became a global phenomanen as Youtubers all around the world got involved as well as members of the public, hence she has earned rightful place upon the Top 10 feminists on Twitter.
Here is her original tweet and video regarding the hashtag #GirlLove:
I tag you all in The #GirlLove Challenge!
All revenue derived from this video will be donated to @MalalaFund— Lilly Singh (@IISuperwomanII) 28 December 2015
And an example of how she promotes #GirlLove as well as body posi!
I love the way @ddlovato encourages loving your body and being proud of what you’re made of. She’s beautiful inside and out. #GirlLove
— Lilly Singh (@IISuperwomanII) 29 December 2015
5) Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti)
She’s a blogger, a feminist writer, a staff writer, columnist for, The Guardian and has recently written a book!
Even with this going on, she still manages to promote feminism on twitter. She takes it upon herself to comment on issues around the world, and educate her followers on the latest news regarding the feminine space.
Here’s her take on how activist writers should be paid for educating society on controversial issues:
Re: $ & feminism, we should WANT activists & writers to be well-paid @transgriot wrote a great piece on this in 2010
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) March 9, 2016
A gif she posted about men who like to grope women should be prepared to feel our wrath!
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) February 23, 2016
And, her take on how sexism does in fact start early…
sexism starts early
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) February 23, 2016
6) Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff)
Mara Wilson is also known as the wonderful child star who played the lead role in the film Matilda and her role in Mrs Doubtfire! Now, people might have thought she disappeared but she just became a writer and an incredible one! Her Twitter is full of her feminist opinions which are educational and very entertaining to read.
Here are a few of her tweets which I found quite amusing….
And I’m a woman they wouldn’t want to have sex with, so I’m effectively useless
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) March 22, 2015
When the hashtag # Allfeministsareugly came out, she had a witty comeback :
“All feminists are ugly” Yeah, not like a feminist could ever be a Playboy bunny or anything…
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) December 29, 2012
7) Roxanna Gay (@rgay)
She is incredibly famous author in the book world. One of her most famous texts is “Bad Feminist Essays” which highlight why she is a supposed bad feminist, because of her liking of Rap music and other comical things. However, although she supposedly identifies as a bad feminist, it does not inhibit her ability to portray her feminist views on Twitter on a regular basis.
Here’s a tweet when she comments on the ironic lack of diversity as a woman of colour:
Only woman of color in the room as they talk about the importance of diverse faculty. Uh huh. Tell me more.
— roxane gay (@rgay) March 22, 2016
She also makes tweets about women’s bodies, confidence, and the POC of making jokes referring to their bodies:
4. There is no woman alive that doesn’t know about the pressure me to be thin or how thinness is equated with beauty and value.
— roxane gay (@rgay) March 14, 2016
She also points out a sexist commercial and cleverly compares it a dystopian novel:
Just saw a sexist toilet commercial. Anything is possible in this brave new world.
— roxane gay (@rgay) March 6, 2016
8) Pink (@Pink)
Image: Wikimedia Commons
The pop/rock star is known for her sensational songs about how it feels to be a misfit of society, independence, broken hearts and even true love. On International Women’s Day she tweeted some pretty interesting feminist tweets, hence earned a place on the Top Ten Feminists on Twitter.
She deserves to be on the Top Ten because she tweeted some rocking gender equality tweets and gave a shout out to all women.
— P!nk (@Pink) 9 March 2016
She also makes it clear that she supports Planned Parenthood because it provides a helping hand and education to young girls:
Planned Parenthood was the only organization in my town growing up available to teach young girls @ sexual responsibility. I stand with PP
— P!nk (@Pink) 13 August 2015
9) Laverne Cox (@LaverneCox)
Image: Wikimedia Commons/DominicD
She’s most famous for her character in OITNB and is the first trans women nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. She’s considered to be an important member of the trans community. She deserves to be on the list, not only for her speeches about the trans community and it’s acceptance, but her feminist speeches too.
In fact she worked with Emma Watson, to form the hashtag #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy.
@EmWatson the logic behind #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy is an indictment of the system of patriarchal oppression and its values not of men
— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) October 28, 2015
10) Zendaya (@Zendaya)
She’s a Disney superstar and fashion icon, who even has her own Barbie doll out in the world. Yes, her own Barbie doll…. just let that sink in for a second.
Not only is she an advocate for feminism but she also regularly comments on controversial issues in society.
For example, she shut down a Twitter account for shaming a woman and her use of makeup.
@Manstagram_ that awkward moment when this tweet is irrelevant cause she’s slaying both ways #wannaborrowmyglasses
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) June 10, 2015
And that’s all folks, my take on the Top 10 feminists today. Please comment below with other feminists who you think should be part of the Top 10!