health student life

Tips for keeping fit and healthy at university

keep fit
Written by Nigel Simpkins

When you’re studying for a university degree, it can be all too easy to slip into bad habits – skipping the gym to revise and fuelling yourself on energy drinks and convenience foods are just some bad habits that students develop in a bid to get the best grades. But looking after your health and fitness is also important for your academic performance. When you’re looking after yourself, you’ll find it easier to remain focused for longer and avoid getting burned out, leading to better results all round. But, committing to your fitness can be tough when you’ve already got so much on in terms of study. Here are some top tips to help it work for you.

Exercise Early

Heading to the gym first thing in the morning will get your exercise out of the way for the rest of the day, meaning that there’s no need to worry about making time for it later on. And, exercising in the morning can be better for your health compared to other times of the day, leading to better energy throughout the day and making it easier for you to get good quality sleep at night, something that’s essential for a busy student. And if weight loss is your goal, exercising early is great as you’ll continue to burn calories from HIIT workouts and similar.

Choose the Right Accommodation:

If you’re serious about your health and fitness in uni, then factor it in when it’s time to choose your accommodation. The last thing that you want is to be living so far from the gym that it becomes an excuse not to go. Many accommodation options will even have an on-site gym that you will be free to use, which can be great for anybody who needs to fit a workout in a short time frame. An example of this can be seen through the stunning student accommodation in Liverpool from Collegiate that comes with a private fitness suite for residents to use. Thankfully Collegiate do have accommodation options in other parts of the UK, so if you aren’t going to study in Liverpool you don’t need to worry about missing out.

Join a Sports Team

Universities tend to have plenty of different sports teams to join, from football, rugby and hockey to horse riding and cheerleading. Even if you’ve never played a particular sport before, it’s a great place to get started, try your hand at something new and meet new friends while staying fit at the same time.

Train for an Event

If you need some motivation, find local events that you can get involved in, such as charity fun runs and other sponsored physical activities that you can sign up for. Not only will you be raising money for a good cause, it’s also a great way to set yourself a goal that you can work towards to exercise more and improve your fitness for the day.

Work Out at Home

Working out from home is also a great option for students to consider since it’s cheap and convenient. Workout DVDs, YouTube videos and workout apps can be great for getting started with your home workout, making you wonder why you ever paid to join a gym in the first place.

How do or did you keep fit as a student? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.