
There’s more to Newcastle than Geordie Shore

Written by hannahrose

As a born and bred Geordie lass, I’m sick of people screaming GEORDIE SHORE WHEY AYE in my face whenever I say I’m from Newcastle.

As a born and bred Geordie lass, I’m sick of people screaming GEORDIE SHORE WHEY AYE in my face whenever I say I’m from Newcastle.

I’m starting to miss the days when I wouldn’t dread the small talk over where we’re all from in the room, because everyone loves a Geordie and let’s all be honest,  no matter how much you joke about us, the toon is always more of a talking point than Milton Keynes or Slough.

It seems the obsession with ‘tashin on,’ ‘gettin martz,’ ‘fanny bashin’ and ‘Chezza Coles arse tattoo’ are all tainting me and my attachment to the gem of the North. Thanks again MTV.

So I’ve dug up some more reasons to love little old Newcastle and restore our faith in the culture and history because frankly, someone needs to.

It’s known for our bridges

Time to clear things up with The Tyne Bridge—it’s been branded The Sydney Harbour Bridge’s little brother but it was actually born four years before.  Building began in 1925 and was completed with a road deck is 84 feet above water. Although scaling major heights to build with next to no safety at the time, only one worker died. We’re canny tough us Geordies like. Whilst we’re on the subject of bridges, the Millennium Bridge was the first rotating bridge in the world!

The politest city in the UK

Polls have revealed that Newcastle is the politest city in the UK and the Geordie accent has many a time been voted most friendly in the UK. Research carried out by Sitel found ours the accent most likely to put people in a good mood and call centres gain better results with a few of us on board!  

They’re loyal

If you’ve ever wondered the reason we’re called Geordies is because of our loyalty.The city was the only one in the North East that supported George II and closed its gates to the Jacobite army during the rebellion of 1745.

Known for parties!

We’re known for our partying madness and the wild Toon is the only UK city to reach top 10 best party cities in the WORLD, coming eighth by American travel experts Weissman. Not bad for a small place!

The home of car design

Stephenson’s Rocket, need I say more? The train design that set the standards for steam locomotives for over a Century was built in Newcastle, winning the Rainhill Trials in 1829. Car lovers can also thank a Geordie lad for the Rolls-Royce mascot ‘The Spirit of Ecstasy,’ designed by Charles Robinson Sykes of Newcastle.

Second driest city

We may be weirdly comfortable with the cold and the winds being so Northern and close to the sea, but we’re actually the second driest city in the UK!  (We have the North Pennines being our rain shadow to thank for that!)

Tallest tree in England

We have the tallest tree in England, the Douglas Fir, at the stately home and grounds of Cragside.

Home of the first beauty contest in the UK

And finally, although we’re trying to escape the shallow label of Geordie Shore, it has to be said we are known for our dolling up, heels and tan. Which is probably the result of the first ever beauty contest in Britain being held at the Olympia Theatre, Newcastle in 1905—no escaping it really was there?

Have your say on Newcastle and what makes it stand out in the comments section below, on Facebook or on Twitter.