student life

That painful moment: dealing with studies that fall prey to procrastination

Be honest
Written by Nigel Simpkins

Let’s face this problem head-on: the student procrastinator. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” seems to be the personal mantra, especially with coursework. No, we aren’t judging you at all. We think you are in excellent company. We’re also willing to bet that if you’re reading this right now, you probably have something already past due or coming due very, very shortly.

Generally, procrastination shows the prevailing human incapacity to accurately predict how we’ll feel tomorrow or the day after.  Especially, perfectionists are often procrastinators, and it is psychologically more pleasant never to tackle a task than to face the chance of falling short on enforcement. They typically dispute that work better under pressure, but analysis reveals that is not the case; more often than not that’s their way to put things off. At all, hesitation also involves some degree of self-deception.

Causes of student procrastination:

  • Angst of failure
  • Lack of understanding
  • Lack of motivation
  • Indigent organization skills
  • Problem with concentrating
  • Low energy levels

While it is always best to plan, human nature is what it is. We put off things we find unpleasant and, for many, school work fits neatly into that category. The good news is that there is light at the end of this particular academic tunnel. Here are several tips and ideas that can be used to navigate way toward passing grades in classes that have been neglected.

#1 – Be Honest

Kettle mag

Source: Geraldine Sy

Admit that you’re a lazy lump of a procrastinator and need some help right now. Go through all syllabi and start categorizing individual assignments. Organize tasks in order of difficulty. Do the things that will take the least time and effort first and save more difficult work for last. If you are in an appropriate bind and can’t get everything done on your own, it’s time to fast forward to the next step…Projects that will be done “when I have time”  tend not to get done very often, if ever. Create a schedule when going to work on a scheme and arrange that time.

Prepare yourself for achieving those goals within the established schedule. And when it is time to do work, set a timer to be focused. Usually, things always take longer than expected so make sure to include some potential delays. Keep looking for ways to make time management simpler for yourself: if you are not a morning character, don’t wait to get up an hour early to start the activity.

#2 – Get Help

Approach a few classmates who are well known and ask if you can borrow their class notes. Try to make quick copies or take pictures with the phone, so they get their work back quickly. They took the time to take notes which probably means they intend to use them to study for their exams.

Also, utilize other resources like online study groups or flashcard apps that cover the subjects that are currently studying. In an extreme pinch, there are even site out there where you can ask for academic help, but it is always recommended that you do research, take notes, and work up an outline first. The idea consists of getting help with concepts that are already understood, not that you intentionally blow off work and let someone else do it.

Get help

Source: Rebekka Dunlap

#3 – Admit When You’re Beat

When all else fails, it’s time to pamper. Yes, now the student is on this mess, and, yes, he will have to swallow a considerable amount of pride to get out of it. First stop should be the office of an academic advisor. Give him (or her) the most honest assessment possible of your situation and ask for some advice. Advisor will likely refer you to one or more of professors to ask for extensions.

Admit when you're beat

Source: Anna Tsvirova

Keep in mind, however, that professors are under no obligation to work with a procrastinator or extend deadlines. Most will not and for a good reason. If grades suffer because you put off work until the last minute, many professors consider it a learning experience and will not budge on due dates or deadlines.  

In a worst case scenario, you’ll have to repeat a course. Under most circumstances, though, there will be some lost points (half a letter grade or so) for handing in late work. The worst thing can be done is ignoring an assignment completely. Even incomplete work might be enough to squeak a pass if it shows you made a concerted effort to meet responsibilities late in the game.

#4 – Learn From Mistakes

Student procrastinators focus more on short-term gains, as opposed to long-term results. Instead, try focusing on why you are doing this task: What are the benefits of completing it?

Besides, don`t forget that the student environment can help or hinder productivity. Beware especially of technology, such as email or messenger that keeps pinging to let you know someone has reached out. Social media (Facebook, Instagram), internet “research” that leads you far off track, and phone calls can lead to procrastination.

These kind of habits are not that easy to break. Some students learn that lesson the hard way and do wind up repeating classes, go on academic probation, or worse. Part of learning responsibility is dealing with the consequences when you don’t meet yours. Sure, some shortcuts can be taken, but eventually, lack of motivation or ability to prioritise will catch up with you.

If you’re smart, you’ll learn from those consequences whether you fail a test or have to settle for a B or C on a paper that would have gotten an A if handed in on time. Next time around, devise a better plan and stick to it. If self-accountability continues failing you, seek out a friend or mentor that you trust and hold yourself accountable to that person. We all perform better when we know we’re being watched. We make better decisions, and we do better work. That, along with the other advice in this post, is worth giving “the old college try.”


Source: Gregory Mirzayantz

Such moments should not become a severe dilemma, because it is a slight bias which depends on the moment. When an individual is constantly hesitating then it begins to have a substantial impact on a person’s day-to-day life. Frequently, it’s not a matter of having poor time management accomplishments. According to the interview with the APA (American Psychological Association), Dr. Ferrari clarified that procrastinators have a so-called maladaptive lifestyle.