student life

Student summer holidays: How to make the most of your last one

If third year is getting you down, and your dissertation is making you feel doomed, take a break to make some summer plans! With what could most likely be your last ever summer holiday, it’s important to use this time wisely and to your advantage. Here are some sure-fire ways for you to enjoy the summer and get you prepared to enter the world of work.


Now is THE perfect time to pin down a few weeks of work experience that can give you that extra edge when applying for jobs. If you’re looking for something a little more permanent, you can always apply for an internship.

As always with work experience, it not only looks great on your CV, but if you make a good impression there’s the possibility of a job at the end!

I have found the Prospects website to have some of the best advice for undergraduates looking for work experience!


Volunteering is another great way to boost your familiarity of working as part of a team within the work place environment. There are so many ways to get involved; you can no doubt find something to suit you!

From marshalling at festivals to your local charity shop, or even just donating a couple of hours at your local rescue centre, the list of things to get engaged in is endless.

If you’re looking to go further afield, organisations such as Project Abroad and Camp America provide the opportunity to enjoy the sun while you volunteer. With so many reasons to volunteer, you’d be a fool not to do it; even just for a couple of weeks!

Read a Book

Although it may seem slightly mundane, so many people have a book they wish they’d read, or that they can’t wait to get around to reading. This is a chance to sit back and relax with a cup of tea, some hobnobs, and a good read.

As an English Literature student, reading is always at the top of my list, and it shocks me how many people put it to the bottom of theirs. For some ideas, check out Rebecca Cook’s article on her 5 most anticipated books of 2015; there should be a few in there to get you started!


Quite an obvious choice is a summer holiday, but it is the perfect time to relax before the stress of finding a suitable job/masters/internship engulfs you completely. While the all-inclusive package holiday might be the go-to for you and your friends, try and push the boat out with a spot of travelling.

Popular with students is Interrailing; allowing you the chance to go to a number of countries for a reasonable price. You can soak in the culture of European cities while enjoying them at your own pace. Northern France, Belgium and Amsterdam are also a handy distance for a cheap weekend away!

For those looking to get the most out of their last student loan, a slightly cheaper option is the classic English holiday. With so many National Parks on our doorstep, a camping weekend away is perfect for those looking to get back in touch with nature and take some scenic walks around the countryside.

Apply! Apply! Apply!

If you haven’t already, now is the time to get applying! Make the most out of your University and send your CV to the careers department; they can mend any hiccups before a potential employer sees them, and give you useful tips when you get offered an interview!

When you start applying it should be within the field you’re interested in, and a reasonable distance for travelling. Then, even if you’re not sure if you want to take the job, when you get offered an interview you can use the experience to build on and improve your technique. 


What are you planning on doing with your time during your last ever summer holiday from university?