student life

Seven things to do inside on a cold, rainy day

Written by Lucyacton

With the cold spell on our doorstep and the winter season just around the corner, it’s time to start spending time inside rather than in the cold and wet wrapped in hundreds of layers and sti

With the cold spell on our doorstep and the winter season just around the corner, it’s time to start spending time inside rather than in the cold and wet wrapped in hundreds of layers and stiffly noses. At first it might seem like a dreadful idea. How on earth are you meant to find something to do? How are you going to keep the kids entertained? How are you going to stop any arguments? But fear not. It’s not actually that hard and before you know it, you’ll be asking yourself why you never stayed in before.

Board games

Switch of your phones, turn off the TV, take away the video games and all the other smart techy equipment that control our society. Pull out the old school board games. Whether its Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, Uno, Pictionary, or Taboo, be prepared to bring it on, just don’t let your competitive side get the best of you. Remember, it’s just a game. (I completely understand how competitive Scrabble and Monopoly are).


Get the whole family involved and get fit at the same time, even if this means putting on the Wii and playing the sports or a game of Just Dance. It’s fun and you don’t need to pay for gym membership or even go out in the rain. You’ll feel better, look better, and you don’t need fancy equipment to get the job done. Many websites offer free online work out video that can get you breaking a sweat in no time.


I feel that so many people miss out from not reading. It’s great and can be done sitting up, laying down, however you please, but it is a great way to relax the body while increasing brain activity. Even if you don’t feel like it’s your thing, choose your favourite film and see if they have a book version. I believe the books are always best.


Christmas means food and food means cooking and baking. Think scones, gingerbread men, cookies, cakes or even try some red pepper and pesto turnovers. (My friend made them the other day and obviously I just had to try for research purposes.) Surprise the whole family and just watch their faces when they walk into the house smelling fresh bread.

DIY (Do it yourself)

Get arty and get crafty but please make sure you are allowed before you start painting over your mums favourite feature wall or a set of drawers that took your day 17 weeks to build. Paint a canvas, scrapbook, cut up a shirt, collage some picture, make jewellery or even some early Christmas cards.

Phone a friend

Catch up with an old friend and you never know, you may have some company for a slice of cake and a cuppa in a few hours time.

Movie day/night

Kick back and relax with some of your favourite classics, or pick out some flicks you just haven’t gotten to see yet. Break out the movie-theatre popcorn, the recliner, and get some friends together to cry, laugh, scream, and relax with a movie. I bet it’ll be ten times cheaper too!

So with that list of things to do when it’s cold and wet outside, you’ll never be bored and soon you’ll even be coming up with ideas yourself and adding to the list. But hey, let’s hope summer gets a move on.

What suggestions would you add to this list? Have your say in the comments section below.

Image: glasseyes view