
Preparing for your dream holiday in Australia: What you should consider

Written by Nigel Simpkins

Australia is one of the places everyone wants to visit at least once in their lives. From the incredible culture and the gorgeous beaches to the historical importance of the country in the eyes of Brits everywhere, there are dozens of reasons to consider Oz as your next big holiday destination. They speak our language, after all.

But while Australia is a beautiful country and a favoured destination for many individuals and families throughout the world, travelling to Australia can be expensive if you do not consider finding funds for your dream holiday. Because Australia is not only a vast continent that’s far from many countries, but its destinations are separated by hundreds of miles of desert.

5 Reasons to consider Australia

The size – Australia is the 6th largest country in the world so to say there is a lot to explore would be an understatement.

The weather – Particularly during the summer months (which just so happens to be our winter) the weather is truly stunning. In northern Australia, however, you get picture-perfect sunshine 365 days a year.

The wildlife – From the unmatched beauty of the Great Barrier Reef to the kangaroos and koalas that find their home on land, Australia is a true haven for wild animal lovers.

The cities – While it might not be the capital city, Sydney is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and that’s only part of the story. Australia also boasts the foodie mecca of Melbourne, the charming coastal vibes of Adelaide and the more sophisticated Perth.

The language – We might have already mentioned this one but the fact they speak the same language makes travel that much easier, particularly if you’re planning to venture into the outback.

5 things to consider before booking your Australian adventure

The cost – Flying to Australia is going to require a two-pronged trip, usually stopping in Singapore or Dubai on the way. So, needless to say, it’s a trip that’s going to cost you. Consider outside-the-box methods for raising money such as taking out a bad credit loan.

The language – Hear us out, I know we just said the shared language was a major reason to choose Australia but be aware there are quite a few unique slang words you’ll want to learn. And know that Australians tend to be quite colourful with their swearing too.

The internet – Prepare for sporadic network coverage during your time in Australia. If you need to be connected at all times, consider purchasing a hotspot to take with you.

The flags – Whenever you’re swimming in the ocean always stay between the flags. Otherwise, you might just come face-to-face with a shark. And no, we’re not joking.

The borders – Australians might be renowned for being laid back, but they are very picky when it comes to bringing things into the country and that includes fruit, vegetables and particularly drugs!