
Pets In Office Around The World

Prime Minister’s Questions is a regular feature on a Wednesday here in the UK, a chance for MPs to put questions to the Prime Minister. In David Cameron’s last PMQ’s, the opportunity was taken to put to rest a rumour that had been troubling many for a great while; that the outgoing Prime Minister didn’t like Larry, the Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office and the 10 Downing Street. In order to dismiss accussation for once and for all, David Cameron then produced a photo to prove that this rumour was completely false.  


He then stated that Larry will be staying at Downing Street after he departs office. That’s right; the Chief Mouser is retaining his tenure, one of the few in politics to do so. So, as Larry continues his very important role in politics, what other animals roam within the homes of leaders around the world?

Bo and Sunny

Across the pond, Barack Obama is the proud owner of two Portuguese Water Dogs, named Bo and Sunny, and there have been American presidential pets since George Washington held office.

Canadian cats

Just north of America, in Canada, was a sanctuary on Parliament Hill named the Canadian Parliamentary Cats, a colony of stray cats, with the sanctuary being run by volunteers and funded by donations. Cats have been in the Canadian Parliament since 1924, employed to control the rodent population, but in 2013 the Canadian Parliamentary Cats was closed, with any remaining cats left being adopted.

The Royal corgi

Nobody can forget Queen Elizabeth’s corgis. Having owned more than 30 during the course of her reign, and her ‘Dorgis,’ which are Daschund-Corgi crossbreeds. In November 2012, the Daily Mail reported that the Queen has two Welsh Pembroke Corgis, named Willow and Holly, and two Dorgis, named Candy and Vulcan.

But throughout history, there have also been plenty of other pets of world leaders that have had their fair share of pets too. Winston Churchill was a known lover of animals and was quite fond of cats and pigs, plus former President of the United States Harry Truman owned a boa constrictor.

There are plenty of animals owned by world leaders, but for now, the UK can be safely assured, Larry the Cheif Mouser is staying put!

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