student life

My job has become my life, so I updated my blog!

There is only so long you can go about sitting around on an evening in a pair of boyfriends stolen pyjama bottoms before you feel you should do something a bit more interesting, and by you I mean m

There is only so long you can go about sitting around on an evening in a pair of boyfriends stolen pyjama bottoms before you feel you should do something a bit more interesting, and by you I mean me.

After graduating university with a 2.2 degree in English and Journalism I thought there was no way I would ever get anywhere without a GNVQ from McDonalds, or whatever it is they are offering. You see as a young person with no ambition (I’m being serious. Zero ambition) I didn’t ever have enough passion or drive to volunteer for the Uni paper or put myself out there, as a result I have no work experience. All I have/had was the enthusiasm to be as good at whatever I chose to do, as humanly possible.

So I found myself in a school about 15 miles from my home, interviewing for the position of Graduate English Coach with the theory that, should I be successful I would apply to do a GTP and then teach English. Only they had other ideas. the school’s PR and Marketing Officer had just that week handed in her notice and would I like to interview for that role as well, considering my Journalism degree. Yes please.

Luck was on my side and I got the PR role, which then became a Communications Officer position for a whole new school they were setting up, a new fandangled Studio School to help kids with future employment opportunities.

Now I find myself calling company MDs up to ask them how business is and would they like me to visit with a Christmas card and Cupcake. I love working with the kids, okay, it is only 15 minutes a day, but the respect they have for me now after three months is good and they say the funniest things.

I have now reached the point where I live for the weekend, 4.30pm means the Food Network and tea and a onesie, I haven’t written a blog post for four months and pinterest are still waiting for me to create an account after I requested an invite in July. Somebody please invite me to a film or something! At this point I feel I should mention that I do have a boyfriend, just in another part of the country.

So here I am, updating my blog… hey, it’s a start!