
My Favourite Film: The Boat That Rocked

People may not have a favourite food or book, but something everyone has is a favourite film due to the fact that cinema is something everyone can enjoy. So, here at Kettle we will be running a weekly feature on our editors, and some regular writers, favourite films.

This week is a regular correspondent and Kettle’s own food and drink editor Alexzandra Goode. Be aware of spoilers.

– Emily Murray: Film Editor

I’m pretty terrible with questions like this because I am that person that loves the movies but hates to see films more than once. Once I’ve done it, understood it, enjoyed it (or not) there’s no need for me to see it again because it will have lost all sense of anticipation. Yep, I know, I’m a massive bore. Having said that, the film I’ve chosen this week is undoubtedly my favourite because I’ve seen it no less than thirty times. I have it on DVD, downloaded on my phone and Kindle for long journeys and can watch it again and again with no qualms and a big smile on my face. Now for someone who couldn’t even watch the Harry Potter films more than once, that’s really saying something. 

What is your favourite film?

The Boat That Rocked, Richard Curtis

When, and where, was the first time you saw this film? Was it a particularly memorable day/company/experience?

I first went to see the movie because Talulah Riley, who plays Marianne, is in it and she’s a family friend. I went with my Mum because she remembers the days of Radio Rock and everyone in the cinema was singing/swaying along with the songs. It was particularly moving for me because of the varied ages in the cinema – some of the older viewers loved the film because they were recalling the very real events that this film is based on. Those of us that were younger were there for the great cast but also an incredible soundtrack of classic songs that have lasted until our generation. This movie celebrates great music and the people that dared to play it, and the fact that we know those songs shows that they really were worth risking the law to play.

Favourite character and why?

The Count played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Nobody else could make sarcasm so attractive. 

Favourite scene?

The final scene (spoiler alert) when the crew of Radio Rock are rescued, not by the government or police, but by hundreds of normal people who heard their distress call. It’s one of the most moving and poignant scenes in any movie, because it shows just how much these radio DJ’s touched ordinary people’s lives every day. And by giving them something that they needed, even though they were breaking the law, they were forming bonds all over the country that would eventually save their lives.

Favourite quote?

“You know, a few months ago, I made a terrible mistake. I realized something, and instead of crushing the thought the moment it came I let it hang on, and now I know it to be true. And I’m afraid it’s stuck in my head forever. These are the best days of our lives. It’s a terrible thing to know, but I know it.” –  The Count

Who would you like to be in the film?

Young Carl has the best role on the boat – he’s universally liked but he doesn’t really have to do anything. Floating around on the ocean all day, listening to great music, no pressure, no responsibility. Amazing.

Why is it your favourite?

I never ever get tired of this film and I think it’s mostly because the story speaks to me so much as a real series of events from the 60’s. Because it’s still so alive in people’s minds and the songs are still so successful, the film itself is so current, even though it’s about the past. With a beautiful cast and a soundtrack made by Hans Zimmer, this movie is truly a timeless classic.