student life

Kettle launches Patreon account

student journalists, kettle mag
Written by admin

Kettle Mag was set up in 2011 to help journalism students gain the practical, publishing experience that so many employers demand these days, whist building a professional portfolio of published work.

Since then we've had the privilege to work with hundreds of amazing journalism students – mostly, but not exclusively, from the UK.

Many of our writers have gone on to work for large publishers and media companies and whilst we can't claim to be the reason for this, several have cited Kettle as being instrumental in helping them land their desired job… so we must be doing something right :o)

Kettle has always generated its income from advertising revenue but this has dried up in recent years. If Kettle is to survive, we need to find alternative funding.

We have created a Patreon account in an attempt to address this situation and we are offering lots of goodies to anyone who can help us out with e few quid each month.

With your support, we can continue to provide a service to future generations of journalism students.

Please, please help us out.

Thank you :o)
