For many men, going to speak to your doctor about erectile dysfunction issues can be a daunting task. That’s why many sadly choose to ignore the issues, which can cause mental health issues further down the line as well as affect them physically going forward.
That’s why if you have any inkling that there could be an issue relating to your penis, then you should arrange an appointment as soon as possible. You’ll find that the only person who feels uncomfortable about this is you, with everyone else being strictly professional.
How A Doctor Could Help
A local doctor will likely be more than informed about erectile dysfunction issues, due to how common it is. That means you will need to be as open and transparent with them about any issues you’re suffering with to get the most accurate care and attention possible.
A doctor will work with you to get to the root of any problem, which could be physical or even psychological. The doctor will start by speaking to you about your medical history, to help learn more about yourself and your symptoms. The questions may be more personal than you perhaps feel comfortable with, but it will be important for you to answer them truthfully and fully so that they can help.
Options Available To You
Your doctor may have a range of treatments and options available to you, depending on what issue you think you have. In many cases, it may be as simple as a psychological issue. This means you could do with therapy for issues such as depression and anxiety within your life, to help relieve the stress and lead to longer-lasting erections. This is why your doctor may recommend mental health professionals for you to talk with, to help get to the root of the problem.
Erectile dysfunction can also be treated medically via tablets, with a variety of different options available to you. Your doctor may prescribe you Tadalafil 20mg, which is one of the strongest doses of this medicine that you can get. You can then order this from an online chemist such as Chemist Click, who will then send your discrete packeted medicine often for the next day if you order at a specific time.
There will be other medicines available to you too that your doctor could prescribe, from a classic Viagra to sildenafil. Your doctor may try a few different options for you, in various strengths to find what works for you.
Your doctor may also explore suppositories or injections as an option too, as well as special devices such as vacuum pumps which can help boost the blood flow to the penis. As Erectile Dysfunction can be linked to further issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure. It could also be linked with the hardening of the arteries, which is a cause of concern for your doctor in getting to the root of the problem.
Preparing For Your Doctor Visit
The first thing you will need to do when arranging to talk to your doctor about any erectile dysfunction issues is to arrange an appointment. This is largely what puts off many people from first contacting the doctors, as they are afraid to tell the receptionist why they are coming in.
To get around this, you should consider telling the receptionist that you want to speak to a doctor about a male health problem. That will be enough to secure your appointment without having to say much without your doctor.
Once you have this appointment, you will need to think about what you will need to bring to your doctor. This could mean preparing information that you think your doctor will want regarding this issue or your health in general. For example, note down all the medication that you currently take, which includes what you are already prescribed, as well as over-the-counter drugs you may pick up.
Not only that but also any vitamins or supplements you take will also be relevant to note down, including any herbal remedies. Anything else you consume such as alcohol or drugs such as cocaine will also be important to tell your doctor. As will cigarettes or anything else that can fall into that category.
You will also need to think about when your symptoms first started appearing, as this could help your doctor narrow down a cause. Providing key personal information will also help for this reason.
Questions You Can Ask
Once you have information for your GP, you will need to think about what to ask your doctor. This could include you asking questions relating to the causes of your erectile dysfunction, as well as treatment options. You may also want to ask your doctor about private healthcare insurance options at another facility that could give you specialist options.
They may also be able to point you in the right direction for more information that you might want, and you could ask your doctor to speak to a urologist if they aren’t entirely clued up on sexual issues.