
How on earth did people live without mobile phones?

My initial thought is, ‘I have no idea!’ The idea I get when I think about it a bit more is ‘probably had a lot more of face to face social time than staring at a screen.&rsquo

My initial thought is, ‘I have no idea!’ The idea I get when I think about it a bit more is ‘probably had a lot more of face to face social time than staring at a screen.’ I know I for one, stare at my phone way too much. It’s not as if it’s even interesting anymore or I’m doing anything important, I just end up browsing pointless apps and texting people. 

I recently dropped said precious phone onto the floor for the first time in three years (round of applause if you must) and it broke. I was lost without it for merely a day before it embarrassingly regained consciousness as soon as I took it into the phone shop. I felt disconnected, like I’d missed out on something but I also felt liberated. No longer did I have the option to look at the phone, text people pointless things, play games, look at Facebook etc. I was FREE.

I think so many people these days are totally dependent on technology. You look around anywhere you go and people are constantly on their phones. If we spent a little less time looking down at a screen and a little more time looking up and around us, I think we’d take in the world and see its full potential rather than swallowed up by technology. It might be necessary in this day and age to have a mobile phone because a lot of stuff is done on the move. You would be seriously out of the loop if you didn’t have one and you could potentially miss out on a whole host of opportunities.

It also makes me question how many friends people had back when there weren’t mobile phones. I’m sure your ‘social circle’ would have been a lot smaller because I’d definitely not have sparked up some of my friendships without the advantage of being able to contact them more regularly. I think it’s quite nice that you can have this, but it also may be a cause of people being less social face to face. My new years resolution was to stay away from my phone; it’s going well so far, but I have found myself not knowing the time a lot or wanting to Google something and not being able to. I love to Google things on my phone on the move, its beneficial! People can gain a lot more intelligence by having the answers at their fingertips if they are curious enough to care. 

Phones have many possibilities but I think it wouldn’t hurt society to speak to people’s faces rather than through a screen.