
Five things to do during a power cut

Working, power cut, frivolity, Emmi Bowles, Kettle Mag
Written by Emmi Bowles

With the wind howling outside and storms hitting the UK, power cuts are going to become more likely for many homes in Britain. But as a nation attached to phones, tablets and anything else that needs a plug to function, power cuts can be our worst nightmare. Here are five alternative things you can do if you get a blackout at home.

Reading by candlelight

There was a time, way back when TV’s weren’t around, when people would read books for entertainment. Some people surprisingly still read books as a hobby, but during a power cut this is a brilliant way to pass the time. No doubt there is a book on your shelf that you haven’t read yet, so pick it up, get a candle or a torch and sit back and read. Before you know it the power will be back on and then you can continue reading in the light.

Shadow puppets/charades

We all remember a time when we were younger and would try to make a rabbit or dog out of the shadow from our hand. Playing with the light and the dark can actually be fun, especially if you get others involved. Get everybody gathered in the same room and try to have a game of charades using just the shadows you can make.

Play cards

Board games and cards are things that come out at Christmas for some families, but a blackout is just the perfect time as any. As long as you don’t try to play anything too complicated, you can shine a light using a candle or a torch, and have hours of fun trying to call each others’ bluff, or win at Uno.

Roast marshmallows

Some of you may be lucky enough to have an open fire at home – which is a perfect light source. This can be used to keep you warm when the heating goes off and roast some marshmallows for a warm, yummy treat in the dark. Treat your living room like a campsite. Grab some blankets, roast those marshmallows, even make some hot chocolate on the hob if you have a gas cooker. You have everything you need to make a perfect camp for the night whilst the power problems get fixed.

Talk to each other

Using social media and texting all the time may be easier, but when was the last time you actually sat down face to face with your friends and family and spoke to one another? Just because there is a power cut and you don’t have access to your Twitter and Facebook, doesn’t mean you have to hide from civilisation. Take this opportunity to catch up on what everybody is doing in your household. They don’t post everything in their status remember.

Quick power cut tips

  • Always have matches, candles or a torch handy – don’t rely on your phone!
  • Take care with candles – we don’t want you burning the house down.
  • Don’t open your fridge or freezer – everything should stay cold this way.
  • Use a gas cooker to boil hot water.
  • Use your phone as little as possible – you don’t want it running out of battery in an emergency.

Anything we’ve missed off the list? Have your say in the comments below!