
Expanding Your Client Pool

Written by C Wolsey

Whether your business is newly created, long established, or somewhere in between, you want to make the most of the resources at your disposal. If you find that your team doesn’t have enough work, or you wish to up the amount you do in a day, you may need to find ways to increase the number of clients you currently have. 

Using Marketing

Outsourcing digital marketing is a great way of finding new clients, without needing to do a great deal of the legwork yourself. When speaking to your marketer, you will be able to explain your business needs, as well as the budget available, and then be able to put together a bespoke plan to maximise the reach of the work. You can check out this digital agency Birmingham for more information on using digital marketing to expand your business.

Social Media

Making the most of the number of different social media platforms can also be a good way of building new working relationships. When using your chosen social media provider, posting regular, relevant content, and learning to use hashtags, can go a long way towards getting your name out there. Potential clients can then see your posts, either due to searching for similar content, or even where posts have been shared by your existing clients. You may also be able to set up your own advertising, directly to your page or group. This can allow you to choose specific keywords, age ranges, genders, locations, and even interests that those clients may have. Narrowing the field of view can help you to save money when utilising social media advertising, as there is a higher likelihood that only those who will have an interest in your wares will click. 

In addition to this, social media can also help you to host giveaways or other competitions, which can also be great for getting more people to know about your company, and even to build up business. 

Charity Involvement

Creating a charity and business partnership can be a great way to advertise while giving back to your local community. This usually involves your company doing some form of work or volunteering for a local charity who will, in turn, help to spread the word of the work you have done for them, with the hopes that it gives the business a good standing and will then increase sales. When building this partnership, you may wish to consider working alongside a charity that does likeminded work, as both your skill sets are more likely to be of use here. An example of this would be a gardening business partnering with a charity that grows, or teaches others to grow, food. At times, charity involvement may also lead to features in local newspapers, which can again greatly work in your favour.

Expanding your client pool can involve considering the best ways to get your name out there, keep your reputation high, and factor in the costs that may be involved with different means of advertising. When finding the best methods that work for you, you may end up with excess work for the foreseeable future.