
Danish parliament backs controversial bill

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The Danish parliament has passed a controversial proposal to ‘confiscate’ asylum seekers valuables to help pay for their upkeep. 

Under these new measures Police will be able to sieze valuables worth more that 10,000 Kroner (around £1,000) from refugees to cover the costs of food and housing.

Reunifications between family members will also be extended from one to three years. A move aimed to discourage new arrivals. 

The bill had been expected to pass even though there had been opposition from human rights groups, and comparisons have been made to the confiscation of valubles from Jews during World War Two. 

The Danish government have said that items with sentimental value, such as wedding rings, will be exempt. 

The passing of this bill brings refugees in line with Denmarks unemployed, who have to sell their assets that are above a certain threshold to be able to recieve benefits. Although critics have pointed out that many Danes have unemployment insurance that saves them from having to sell their assets. 

Speaking before the vote toor place, UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards told reporters: “The decision to give Danish police the authority to search and confiscate valuables from asylum seekers sends damaging messages in our view,”