student life

Congratulations you’re going to uni…now what?

If you have your place at the university you want, brilliant.

If you have your place at the university you want, brilliant. Now however a million other questions come to mind.  Where am I going to live, when can I move in, what if I don’t like my flatmates, have I chosen the right course, do I need any more funding, is it too late to apply?

Take a deep breath, you’ve passed the hardest part and you can now celebrate but also remember to be modest when breaking the news to your friends. They may not be on the party train to university student lifestyle. But don’t let it dampen your happiness, as if it could anyway!

Some possible organising left to do

Anything you would need to know or organise before turning up in September the university or UCAS would have told you by now. There is no point in trying to call the university this week when they their phone lines will be chaotic dealing with Clearing questions – it’s just a waste of everybody’s time and energy.

If you’ve ended up at your insurance choice university or have been taken by surprise you may not have organised everything as well as you could have. Make sure you check through your emails, UCAS Track and any other correspondence you have had with the university. There may be some organising left to do such as sorting out accommodation. Look on their website if you are unsure on what to do next. For most universities you will need an unconditional offer before you can apply for accommodation.

Don’t worry, be happy

With your exam results this category now includes you. First things first, do not worry. Everyone else is in the same boat as you. The majority of universities now have a guaranteed place in halls of residence for all first year students. Even if this is not the case there will be help with how to look for private accommodation and back up plans even if the worst comes to the worst.

You can usually apply online which is quick and simple. Welcome packs, campus maps and timetables should all find their way to you through post or email at some point soon.

Join a Facebook group

Facebook is a great way to get a feel for uni halls and find your new classmates. Join these groups or create one yourself. Give it a clear name (i.e. Name of University, Journalism class of 2013/17) so people can find it easily. As for preparing to leave the nest give your family the benefit of the doubt as they won’t want to see you leave.

Let your mum fuss over you and enjoy the attention. Keep in mind you will probably only have a hoover, a mop, curtains, iron and board in your new flat. Bedding and kitchen utensils are all a necessity but throws, lamps and posters all add a homely touch. I personally lived off my sandwich toaster while at uni and always had use for a colourful permanent marker.

Kick back and enjoy

As for the rest kick back and enjoy. You’ll soon enter the world of Fresher’s week (spoiler alert, it always last longer). You’ll learn how to survive last minute deadlines, huge flat parties in a tiny space and wearing your PJ’s in social situations you never considered before.

Fancy dress, paint, UV and bubble parties will soon become the norm. Enjoy the quiet life while it lasts.

What are your plans if you are going into university? Have your say in the comments section below, on Facebook or on Twitter.

For further advice, read this piece by Sarah located here.