current affairs

Can this kind act end the NekNominations trend?

As yet another Brit dies after taking part in the controversial NeckNomination craze, one student has used the internet sensation to do good in a move that has c

As yet another Brit dies after taking part in the controversial NeckNomination craze, one student has used the internet sensation to do good in a move that has changed his life.

Adam Davidson, 20, a student in Aberdeen, decided to spend the cash he would have used to buy the drink needed for his nomination on some lunch for a homeless man, in a move that shocked and astonished his Facebook friends.

“What I’d like to do is nominate everyone,” says Adam in his video, “to do something nice for someone else over the next week or so.”

Facebook Craze

The controversial NekNominations are a series of videos uploaded by users on Facebook, showing them ‘necking’, or downing dangerous- and often repulsive- mixtures of alcohol in an attempt to out-do their peers.

So far two Brits have died after completing their nominations. One drank a litre of vodka while another consumed a fatal mix of wine, whisky, vodka and lager. Other videos show young people drinking mixtures including raw eggs, washing up liquid and live animals.

It was these reckless videos that spurned Adam’s selfless act.

“Essentially, what people were doing was binge drinking for likes,” he explains. “When I realised I was nominated my first thought was to just not acknowledge it. However, when I was walking to work I walked past the homeless man in my video and as I had no change in my pocket I decided to go back and buy his lunch for him as my Nomination.”

Adam uploaded his NeckNomination video to Facebook on 9 February. Within 24 hours it had over 23,000 shares and Adam has received hundreds of Facebook requests.

International Support

Reporters from as far as Australia and South Africa have been in touch with the Aberdeen student while a number of supporters from around the world have taken to his Facebook page to express their admiration.

One posted: “I just want to tell you how much of an inspiration you are…I feel a much better person after being nominated by you, so much so that I followed the nomination through today… Please keep up the great work, we all know how much you a superstar not only to Aberdeen but to the whole world.”

Another wrote: “Finally someone with some sense and also a kind heart, hope your trend spreads like wild fire and stops this dangerous game before it takes more lives. A big well done to you.”

Buck the Trend

Adam cannot believe his one act of kindness has become such a global sensation.

“The response I’ve had has been crazy,” he says.

“The message I want people to take from this is that don’t follow the crowd. Be your own person and stand up for what you believe is right.

“The buzz I got for doing something nice far surpassed the feeling of being drunk and certainly beats the morning after hangover.”

What do you think of Adam’s video? Have your say in the comments section below.

Image: TrafficJan82