student life

Can students really relax during the Christmas holidays?

Christmas tree, holiday, relax, Rosie Boyce, Kettle Mag
Written by RoseannaBoyce

Hooray! You’ve just handed in your assignments for this semester and have finally packed up and made it home in time for Christmas. The tree is up and the house is filled with presents and festive music but instead of cosying up on the sofa in front of the fire, most students are sitting in front of their laptops doing assignments.

The horrors from the last three months are still fresh in your mind – the all-nighters in the library, just about making it to your 9am lecture after that Halloween party (to name but a few!) – but don’t put down your pens just yet! January deadlines are imminent, as are the mid-year exams and we are all left wondering, is it really fair to expect students to skip Christmas and spend all of the holidays studying?

To work or not to work?

The advantages of putting your work to one side for the holidays:

– You get to catch up on much needed sleep.

– You can finally watch the last few episodes of that series you’ve been putting off whilst you finished your December assignments.

– You will be much more refreshed when you go back in January.

The advantages of cracking on with your work:

– You’ll have much less to do in January, when most of your time will be filled with lectures and classes again.

– You can study in the surroundings and comfort of home.

Reaching a compromise

But is there a way to balance the two out? I think so…

The allure of a night on the town or a day watching Christmas TV is so tempting (and from personal experience, almost impossible to turn down) that many students this time of the year find themselves torn between this and studying. But worry no longer! You can collapse in front of the telly for hours or even go to that work party but just make sure that you spend the same amount of time on your work. You can also sleep until midday when you feel like it! Just work hard in your waking hours when you know you’re refreshed and raring to go.

Don’t let the guilt of taking a break stop you from enjoying the little time you have at home. After all, you deserve it!

Have an enjoyable break and good luck in your exams!