Something strange has happened in Britain recently, have you noticed? Something truly quite bizarre.
Author - rhysdurham
What is the line between catchy and annoying?
There’s a fine line between something being catchy and something becoming downright annoying.
And the top ten epically annoying phrases are…
It’s here, the massively epic post you’ve all been waiting for.
Why you can never forget a friend’s nickname
Ten Tellies, Megatron, G Force, Alley Cat—nicknames take on many forms, though some much kinder...
Some preparation and advice for a lad’s weekend
Lad’s weekends are the best weekends. The kind that involve leaving town and having some quality...
Five tips on how you can avoid being a slob
When did we all start becoming so slobbish? It seems the days when we ever did anything for...
The chronicles of the creeping hangover scenario
So as far as hangovers go this one has been a real gem. I wouldn’t say it’s been top...