Symbiosis is the co-existence of two different organisms that live in close physical association...
Author - Linzasaur
Protein on egg cells may solve infertility
Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute are one step closer to improved fertility...
Why these breakthroughs are not science fiction
Scientific and medical breakthroughs are becoming so amazing, that it’s hard to believe that...
We must be open and honest about Alzheimer’s
Last February, Seth Rogen opened up about his own family battles with Alzheimer’s disease in front...
Dog and human brains respond to voices similarly
Dog owners famously insist that their pets understand them, and sometimes even claim to know what...
What can cortisol reveal about depression?
Around one in six people suffer from depression at some stage in their lives, and most of us will...
What Reg the Duck taught me about Twitter Part 2
I’d like to introduce you to some of the pointless and shameless tricks I came across while trying...
The smiley face: Why it is important today
It only seems natural to add a smiley face onto your text messages and emails to express your...
Why did Marius the Giraffe really have to die?
A young giraffe at Copenhagen Zoo has recently been euthanized which has basically been a PR...
What Reg the Duck taught me about Twitter
Let me introduce you to Reg the Duck.
Attitudes to cancer risks in 2014 and beyond
The World Health Organization has warned that the globe is facing an imminent cancer “tidal wave,”...
Some of the advantages of glowing in the dark
A lot of science has associations with what we remember from our childhoods.
A cold and controversial new fashion trend
Everyone knows that the fashion industry loves to be controversial, so it’s hardly surprising that...
Sexism still rife in 2013. Can it be stopped?
According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2013, the overall gender gap has decreased across the...
Brits abroad – Are we really as bad as the stereotype?
Most of us are back at work, school or University with the long, cold weeks ahead with exactly zero...
The Badger Cull is just simply an evil quick-fix
Armed with the wrath of Brian May, protestors all over the country are furious over the recent...
Page 3: Will it just simply be non-existent?
Over the past few months, there has been a call to remove Page 3 from The Sun.