Stop burning your bras, ladies. Delete your angry tampon-tax tweets and cash in your unequal pay...
Author - Linzasaur
Another unremarkable Budget for energy and the environment
Another year, another unconvincing energy plan from George Osborne. This week, the Chancellor...
The search for food forges an alliance between hyenas and wolves
In the face of harsh conditions, animals have been known to team up and help each other out. This...
How sexual harassment harms female brains
The brain is a delicate, complex thing. Too much of one chemical or too little of another can throw...
The reaction to Formation shows just how scared of equality...
Pro-black does not mean anti-white. Just as supporting gay marriage doesn’t mean you object to...
Vaccination beliefs are another reason Trump is dangerous
God help America. I’m not going to add to the barrage of Donald Trump racism related articles...
Taxonomy: The methodical but vital job of naming animals
The rules that make a species a species aren’t exactly set in stone. Taxonomists are constantly...
Wanting to have a child is nobody’s business but yours
Like many others, I was elated to hear that ten British women are set to receive womb transplants...
Dementia research is getting some of the recognition it deserves
Research into brain diseases like dementia are getting the recognition they deserve over the past...
Twinkles, wind and dark matter
Dark matter confuses me. In fact, a great deal about theoretical and experimental physics confuses...
Forget the manhunt and focus on the sexism
I was fortunate enough to have completed my science journalism Master’s degree at City...
The complexities in space engineering
Reliability, cleanliness and extreme environment. These are three aspects of space engineering that...
Transplant surgery has come a long way
Transplant surgery of some sort has been around since 1908. A French surgeon named Alexis Carrel...
New research to detect new ways of itch relief
According to new research being carried out at the Temple University School of Medicine (TUSM) in...
New app shows that spiders are our friends
Arachnophobes often dread the autumn and winter because it means that the threat of more spiders...
Are parasitic worms our friends or our foes?
When asked to think about parasitic worms, most people will cringe and screw up their faces in...
PETA ‘monkeys’ protest outside French Embassy
PETA is demanding that Air France stop their involvement in the flying of caged primates to...
The value of mouse research is truly unlimited
We have discovered so much information about our bodies and the development of diseases thanks to...
The dilemma around modern cancer treatment
Cancer has been a long-term nemesis of the human race for decades.
We need a new outlook on the climate change debate
Where do you stand when it comes to climate change? To most people, the fact that the world is...