During the apocalypse, the last surviving man creates God to battle his suicidal urges For many...
Author - Laura Elliott
Review: Edgar & Me at Theatre Deli, Sheffield
Many of us who’ve never experienced it can be said to have a passing interest in the prison system...
The Belief Project review: What do we believe?
Entering into Theatre Delicatessen’s Sheffield performance space in the old, disused Woolworths...
Can only the privileged be Masters students?
We’re all told as children that we can do anything we want. Work hard at school and aim high, and...
FYSA Theatre’s The 56 – A Moving Tribute
In August 2014, I reviewed Yorkshire company FYSA Theatre’s production of The 56, in its first...
Sheffield University Theatre Company Presents: Death of a...
“Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be… When all I want is out there, waiting for me...
Review: Paperfinch Theatre Present The Nutcracker
“Come and see the Nutcracker, so brave and strong and noble.” Following successful adaptations of...
What Does the Future Look Like for Arts Television?
For the last few years, the five main television channels in the UK have faced down accusations...
It’s Time we Discussed the Economics of Rape Culture
A 19-year-old man was jailed for five years on October 13, for drunkenly raping a woman after he’d...
Analysing Richard Flanagan’s Booker Prize Winning Novel
In an earlier review for Kettle Mag, I called The Narrow Road to the Deep North “a deeply...
The Narrow Road to the Deep North: Booker Shortlist Review
“Mother, they write poems” – so reads the epigraph to Australian novelist Richard Flanagan’s...
In Defence of Serious Reading
Nick Hornby is the bestselling author of novels including About A Boy, High Fidelity, and Fever...
Historical fiction, censorship, and the assassination of...
At the opening let me make one thing clear: as much as I may have previously wished and tried to...
Shark by Will Self is more than some can chew
Will Self is often accused of being incomprehensible to the average reader. His vocabulary too...
withWings’ The Duck Pond: More Than An Ugly Duckling
withWings are one of those rare student companies that manage to excel themselves production after...
Selina Thompson’s Chewing the Fat: Vital and Vibrant
Chewing the Fat is about body image. It’s about accepting fat and talking about fat.
Riptide: The Slasher Musical: Fun but Simplistic
Riptide: The Slasher Musical gives it all up in the title.
Verismo Theatre’s Departures: A Song-Cycle for All of Us
Verismo Theatre are a glorious surprise in this year’s Edinburgh Fringe programme.
Theatre Ad Infintum’s Light: An Otherworldly Achievement
Theatre Ad Infinitum are becoming something of an Edinburgh Fringe phenomenon.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Theatrical Acid Trip
When Hunter S. Thompson wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, he was perfecting his own unique...