student life

A note from the Kettle editor on education

education, section, editor note, Alex Veeneman, Kettle Mag
Written by Alex Veeneman

Education connects all of us, whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student just starting, finishing your degree or trying to figure out what you want to do, it plays a unique role in our lives. Decisions at universities and indeed at Westminster, as well as outside trends when it comes to university education, will have a significant impact on how an education is perceived, and how it can be obtained.

These are issues that need more exposure, and while there are many media outlets that devote space and time to issues, notably The Guardian with their Students section, it is small, and more must be done.

Why we’re doing this

This is where Kettle’s brand new section that we launched this week comes in – the Education section, and I’ll be your guide as we get this section up and running.

I’m excited at the prospect of what this section can become, and what it will offer. We’ll look at education policy and trends at universities, and the effect it has on today’s British university education. We’ll also look at local events from across universities, and how it shapes education on the ground, from articles like this, to video pieces from our network of writers and editors across the UK.

Education is at the heart of journalism, and what journalists do. When I was Media Editor, I wanted to emphasize that and help the journalists of the future in an industry still going through significant change. I have also been known to advocate on the pages of this site for the BBC and its role in public life in the UK because of our connection to education, the role the broadcaster has in that education, and how education, broadly, can benefit us all, no matter who we are.

What I want this to become

I believe in this industry, and indeed a goal I still have, even as I write this, is to make the lives of the journalists of the future better. Even though I am stepping away from overseeing our coverage of the media, I will continue to write about it. Yet, as I take on this new editorial role, I see myself broadening this goal, which will allow me to do work that I personally feel is important.

I want this Education section to be more than a section that engages you, informs you, and entertains you. I want to help make your life, and the life of other students better. The university education is changing no matter what you study or where you study, and I want to make sure, with the help of my colleagues across the UK, that you’re ready for what happens, no matter what your goals are or what you decide to pursue.

Kettle, as a publication, is a unique position to help me with this endeavour, and I am excited to see what happens. I welcome your thoughts, ideas and feedback as we develop this, and I hope you enjoy what comes from our new section.

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