
6 Films to Encourage You To Exercise and Get Fit

For me watching a film involves sitting on a sofa in pyjamas snacking on chocolate with a large glass of wine in hand.

For me watching a film involves sitting on a sofa in pyjamas snacking on chocolate with a large glass of wine in hand. Certainly it is one of the most inactive and unhealthy activities you could do, although it is one of the most enjoyable. However, it is time to make a change! Why not let films encourage you in that dream of getting fit that we all have but sometimes struggle to work towards?

Here are six films certain to encourage you to drop down and bust out some push-ups.

Run Fatboy Run  

Director David Schwimmer’s hilarious comedy stars Simon Pegg as an out-of-shape man who runs a marathon to try win back the woman he jilted at the altar. Pegg’s character Dennis’ willingness to get fit but constant struggle in attempting to do so is something many of us can sympathise with. We all hit that ‘brick wall’, but Dennis’ pure determination to push through it can inspire us to do the same.


A strange choice but this is for the extremely prepared. In the first scenes of Zombieland Jesse Eisenberg’s Columbus informs us of his rules to surviving a zombie apocalypse, with rule number one being cardio. As he tells us “When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties”. The faster you run, the faster you escape. So if you are anticipating a zombie apocalypse its time to limber up!

Chariots of Fire

A more traditional choice now, the 1981 classic British film Chariots of Fire is an inspiring story about two track athletes and what drives them to run. The races are tense, exhilarating and riveting, and the infamous scene of the athletes on the beach running to that extraordinary and grand theme song alone will encourage you.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

In superhero films the majority of the characters are extremely fit and this is especially true for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Yes we will never be injected with super-serum enabling us to be as muscular as Chris Evan’s Steve Rogers, and it is unlikely that we could look as good as Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, but whilst exercising keep in mind the image of those two and the hope that one day you can be as bad-ass as them.


Not only is WALL-E adorable with important messages about the way we treat our environment, but it envisions a future where all humans are so unfit that they cannot even walk and so stay constantly in floating chairs. Keep this dystopian view of the future in mind whilst exercising to drive you on.

The Raid

An Indonesian martial arts thriller may not be for everyone, but there is no doubting the awesomeness and talent of the martial artists, especially of choreographer and lead actor Iko Uwais. The action scenes are completely jaw-dropping and will leave you with one thought – why can’t I do that? Ever since The Raid silat has become very popular so why not give it a try!

So the next time you do not feel like doing exercise and would much rather sit down, relax and watch a film, have a think about what you watch. Let’s be honest, all ofus need that encouragement to exercise as we would all rather be in bed eating chocolate.

So let films give you that one extra push, that hope that one day you will looklike Captain America of Black Widow will certainly drive you on.

What films would you like to add to the list? Let us know by commenting below.