
5 things that prove 2016 hasn’t been all bad

Team GB, women's hockey, 2016, Emily Baker, Kettle Mag
Written by Emily Baker

2016 will go down in history as the year Donald Trump won presidency of the United States, Brussels was bombed by terrorist attackers, and the urban streets of American cities have encountered more and more gun violence, causing the deaths of many unarmed and innocent black men and women. The world lost the beloved talents of David Bowie, Victoria Wood and Alan Rickman, as well as the 49-people who were senselessly killed in gay nightclub Pulse in the US city of Orlando.

Without disrespecting those who have lost their lives, I think that it’s vital to enter a new year with a positive outlook, and with appreciation for all the good things that have surfaced.

Olympic success for Great Britain – and a triumph for womankind

The Rio Olympics saw Britain take gold in Women’s Hockey: a first for the record books, and an inspiration to all women in sport. All our team GB athletes competed at an astounding level, prompting a total of 67 medals and a boost to the sports industry.

I'm certainly no sportswoman, but what can be taken from the victory is that hard work and dedication reaps incredible and personal rewards.

Queen Bey released Lemonade – but so much more than that

I understand that you may not be a Beyoncé fan.

BUT, this album, and the performances that followed, had a very clear message. And it was one that stood up to the corrupt and criminal acts of members of the police force across the USA.

The mothers of the widely reported deaths of those, including Michael Brown, featured in the hour-long film accompanying the album, as part of the strong political statement which captured the hearts of many.


To the major relief of millions of Middle Class baking fanatics, The Great British Bake-Off (well, Mary Berry) isn’t going anywhere after all

Ok so this is a weird one because this year it was announced that the BBC had, in fact, decided to axe Bake Off due to high cost demands from the company who own it.

The news was, as you can imagine, met with agony from the British public.

HOWEVER, there’s no need to panic as Mary Berry will remain loyal to the BBC and the exciting new, re-designed show will reach our screens in the near future. Who needs Paul Hollywood anyway?

Football crowned a new victor of the premier league as Leicester City exceeded all expectations

To some of you, football may not seem important. But the small sized club were dark horses last year, and allowed die-hard local Leicester fans to enjoy a win they never would have expected.


The Tories may still have power – but, David Cameron is gone for good

Many will remember Brexit a disappointing outcome, or one which reflects the disgusting attitude that immigrants are no longer welcome.

Brexiteer Theresa May took over power when Cameron decided to hang up the reins, which to many will mean the same old Tory values will be in play.

But change is good, right? Maybe not in a Trump kind of way, but who knows.

It’s safe to say that 2016 has been both turbulent and disruptive. But as with every year, we take the good and the bad and we learn and grow from it collectively, no matter what stands in our way.