
Top tips on getting your sexy back in 2014

A glance in the mirror or a backwards-compliment sent your confidence tumbling? Or has the January blues made youfeel that you’ve left your sex appeal back in 2013? Never fear!

A glance in the mirror or a backwards-compliment sent your confidence tumbling? Or has the January blues made youfeel that you’ve left your sex appeal back in 2013? Never fear! I have been there and I have come up with some top tips to get your sexy-back and become your own Austin Powers, preferably without the goofy teeth.

Starting with what we can learn from the ever confident Austin Powers characters, you must learn to love yourself. Do you think he ever looked in the mirror and thought ‘there is no way any woman would fancy me’ and cried into his dinner?

No! Austin loved himself for who he was and never spent hours criticising his ‘flaws.’ This may be the hardest lesson to learn and I don’t think it is a quick fix. But what is crucial here is being able to think that you have so much to offer someone, on the outside and inside, that you are innately appealing. When you truly believe this you become radiant with self-assurance and confidence.

Radiance, self-assurance and confidence combined equals sexy, trust me.

A good confidence booster

The second thing to do when you feel your sexiness has been left at the wayside is to find clothes that show off your best assets. Whether you are male or female, everyone has a part of their body they can feel proud of. 

Dressing to your body type is a fairly instant way of securing a confidence boost and getting noticed positively. Clear examples are found in female celebrities such as Kelly Brook, Cameron Diaz and Kim Kardashian, all of whom highlight the exceptional parts of their bodies. 

You may say, and I am inclined to agree, these women aren’t good examples of the every woman and thus don’t really know how YOU feel. Although I understand this opinion, the point still stands that they are all aware of how to maximise their assets through well-chosen clothes.

And lads, I haven’t forgotten about you. For the taller gent, inspiration can be found in the ever cool Liam Neeson while the smaller among you could take a leaf out of Bruno Mars’ book. Whatever your size of shape, clothes can add that boost of confidence that will make you feel sexier than ever. I would suggest investing some time and money in finding the right outfits for you.

Another top tip in giving yourself a confidence booster for any single ladies and gents reading this, is to put yourself out there! By that I mean making more friends, joining clubs or simply going to bars and meeting people.

I don’t mean to say that you need to chat up someone every time you leave the house, but by making friends with more people you can remind yourself how desirable you are to be around. And that in turn will make you more confident and sexier. It’s a simple formula but I guarantee the more liked you feel, the more swagger you will have equalling a higher sex appeal.

So there you have it, just a few top tips on bringing that sexy-back and showing yourself off to the world.

Do you have any tips you’d like to add? Anything you’ve felt that has boosted your sex appeal in 2014? Have your say in the comments section below.  

Image: Themeplus / Flickr