
Top three fictional places you wouldn’t mind being stuck

Lara McComish, KettleMag, Hogwarts Castle
Written by Lara McComish

On 16 October, an American tourist found himself locked inside a Waterstones book shop in London and took to twitter to plea for his release. David Willis, from Texas, popped into the Trafalgar Square branch, not realising that it was just before closing time. It was only when he tried to leave that he noticed that the doors were locked.

David was set free after a two hour wait, thanks to the power of Twitter. Tweets in response to David’s plight came in full force and, in true Twitter fashion, were filled with boundless satirical advice.

“Stay out of the horror section!”

“Before you leave, burn all the John Grisham …”

Booklovers on the other hand, were in awe of David’s predicament, with one user saying that ‘he was living the dream.’ This begs the question: is this a tourist’s nightmare or a bookworm’s dream?

If you could choose a fictional place or imaginary world to live in, where would it be? Here are my top three.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

With our Hogwarts acceptance letters in hand, we would rush straight to Kings Cross station and into the magically concealed wall at platform 9 and three quarters to board the Hogwarts Express. On arrival, we would promptly begin our lives of potions classes and quidditch, alongside our best pals Ron and Hermione.  With a life of magic and fantasy at the flick of a wand, we would see no sane reason to return to reality.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

In a world full of all things sugary, syrupy, delicious and calorific; Mr Wonka, the oompa loompas the ‘lucky five’ really are living in a sweet tooth’s paradise. To top it off, there is a river running through the chocolate room made of pure chocolate; need I say any more? What else could a girl possibly want?

The Hunger Games

The adrenaline rush of being selected in your district’s reaping and then spending your days fighting for your lives in an on-screen death match, sounds much more action-packed than your average day at the office. Your days would whizz by, in the thrilling suspense of the world’s deadliest TV show. The small amount of time that you spend, stuck in the world of the hunger games, will make your life seem mundane outside of it.

Image: Flickr/puamelia

Where would be the place that you would like to be stuck in? Would being stuck in Waterstones’ be your dream or your nightmare? Let us know in the comments below.