
How to wear it: fur loafers

Written by cristianafrunza

When my mum came back home a couple of winters ago with a pair of fur loafers to wear around the house I couldn’t hold my disapproval to myself. I showed a rather weird grimace and secretly judged her for her fashion choices, thinking of myself as a rather stylish person.

Little did I know that in a couple of years the shoe that everyone takes out during winter was going to be the next best thing. From Gucci to Prada and the high street versions from River Island, the fur loafer has become more and more popular. Instagram praises it, designers sell it and fashion bloggers love it!

Although it sparks controversy, especially amongst animal lovers (don’t worry replicas are just as chic) the shoe has a history. Back in 2012 Celine tried to make it a trend, but it only came to its final status last year when Gucci reshaped it completely.

So, this brings us to the next question: what can you wear it with?


Probably the least expected outfit, yet a casual suit and a scruffy shirt will make up that I-just-rolled-out-of-bed look that we all secretly embrace. While the fur lining adds a pinch of comfort, the faux leather upper works towards a classy vibe.

Oversized jeans

Sure it might look like you’re just running to the shop to buy a loaf of bread, but remember you’re doing it with style. Oversized denim paired with fur loafers and a large scarf can maintain a chic, effortless look.

Lace dresses

Think Oscar Wilde, 1920s, glamorous parties… Slip into a lace trimmed dress and add a vintage headpiece and be ready to make an appearance at this year’s Christmas family dinner. Wear a small purse, preferably with a chain strap, and don’t forget to add a pop of colours on your lips.

Fur coats

Pairing fur with fur will never be a bad choice.. if anything, it will keep you warm throughout the day. If you’re one of the more excentric ones, go for the funky printed coats. Wear a white top and comfy trousers if you’re on the go.

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