
How to relieve muscle pain after workout

Written by Nigel Simpkins

Post-workout muscle pain is common. Some people even believe that this is an indicator of thorough exercise. However, you must be aware that recovery from this muscle pain shouldn’t take too long unless you have an injury. No matter how short it takes, dealing with muscle pain hours after your workout session can be inconveniencing, and you need quick relief. Read through to find out various ways you can use to relieve muscle pain after your workout sessions.


CBD has come with important muscle recovery properties that are very helpful when used as a post-workout supplement or even before hitting the gym. 1500mg CBD is a popular choice for athletes and workout enthusiasts that want faster recovery. This dose has benefits on the endocannabinoid system. This is a regulator network in the system that works continuously, and when supported by some dose of CBD, it works even more efficiently. Nordic Oil, a significant player in the CBD oil industry, reports that CBD also has some anti-inflammatory impacts, which aid in the recovery of muscles. Its ability to help people sleep well at night also contributes to quicker muscle recovery as a good rest afterwards is very effective.

Take a Warm Bath

Sometimes you don’t need any supplements or medication to help you aid quicker muscle recovery. A simple warm bath is enough to loosen the tight muscles, increase blood circulation, and get your body functioning like before. Some strength training and vigorous exercises can make your body stiff and overloaded. You only need to soak yourself in a warm bath tab to loosen up the tight muscles and rejuvenate the entire body. That spa-like feeling you get from warm water allows you to experience an immersive therapeutic feeling that gets back your strength and the motivation to run your errands as usual. This is essential for giving you not only a fit body but an active and healthy one.

Stay Hydrated

Have you ever wondered why those athletes drink water every few minutes, even when still in action? Or why do most gym bags come with a spot for a water bottle? Any form of exercise is highly dehydrating because you’re going to sweat a lot, and your body needs to recover the lost water. If you don’t drink enough water when working out, you will experience dehydration afterwards. Experts associate some post-workout muscle pain with dehydration. If you’re dehydrated after a heavy workout, it is natural that you’re going to experience some inflammation and pain. It is not, however, too late because you can still take some water to minimize the after-effects. Water also helps your body get rid of harmful substances and toxins from your system hence reducing soreness.

While there are several ways to recover after a heavy workout, the three mentioned above are the easiest methods that are readily available. Some of these methods offer double effects such as better sleep, relaxed body, and mood-boosting. If muscle pain persists after using all or one of these methods, it can be a sign of injury, and you should talk to an expert to help address the issue.