
Fashion: The art of being authentic

street style fashion, Rebecca Parker, Kettle mag,
Written by Rebecca Parker

OUR university years are meant to be the best of your life. Partying, making new friends and working your butt off (sometimes) are all a part of the wonderful of being young, wild and free. Whilst some people seem to have natural style and flair, others have to work damn hard to look, at the very best, acceptable.

The importance of looking good

When you’re at uni dressing well may be the least of your priorities, but when you go out into the big wide world then you suddenly realise the importance of looking good, and the impact it can have on your confidence. Take it from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

emo kid, scene kid, emo style, kettle mag, Rebecca Parker, creative commons

Teenage years were filled with trying every style that could be imagined. Fingerless gloves, black skinny jeans and the obligatory racoon eyes became almost like a uniform.  A conscious effort was made when I went to uni to look effortlessly cool. It started well enough. Quirky cropped blazers were teamed with tartan shorts. Then work took precedence and the jeans and t-shirt combo became my go to get-up.

Now I’m nearer the light at the end of the tunnel (that’s graduation to you and I) I’m wondering how on earth I’m going to get my style mojo back. There’s a term that is being bandied around at the moment. Authenticity. Sharing personal style has become the norm. Whether it’s on Facebook in the form of social photographs, Instagram with endless selfies, or if you’re involved in the crazy world of fashion blogging, the immediacy of the internet means that what you wear is scrutinised within an inch of its life.

                                              tracksuits, velour tracksuit, Rebecca Parker, Kettle mag, Creative commons

Let you be you

Our peers, our idols and all manner of social factors impact on how we dress and present ourselves. No two days are the same. Some days we may want to chill with our friends, wear trackies and slob. Other days we may want to channel our inner Beyonce/Jennifer Lawrence/Kim Kardashian (delete as appropriate).

The point I want to make though is that it doesn’t matter. There. I said it. Who cares who you dress for? The fashion industry is scrutinised enough as it is, with the ‘plus size’ debate, France banning ‘too skinny’ models and now authenticity. There is already enough pressure placed on not only young girls, but women in their 20’s to look a certain, so called ‘perfect’ way, why do they need to be judged on what they wear?

We’re all guilty of it. We all look at others and silently rate what they’re wearing. But if the shoe was on the other foot then we would fell hurt and upset if someone was looking us up and down. Excuse me for being repetitive but seriously, it doesn’t matter. You’re authentic no matter what you wear. Embrace the trackies, feel amazing when you look better than your idols and most importantly never let anyone tell you that you dress for others.

What do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.