University Of Chester

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At the heart of the University’s vision is an unwavering commitment to ensuring an outstanding student learning experience, developing the expertise of staff, providing teaching excellence, and actively growing research and scholarship.

Through these actions, the University hopes to make a positive impact on the lives of students, staff, and the communities that it serves, enabling the institution to make a significant and growing contribution to the region, nationally and internationally.

In valuing and celebrating its long history and traditions, the University is committed to engendering a sense of pride and shared ownership in all that it does. It is dynamic and enterprising in its approach to developing new opportunities.



University of Chester
Parkgate Road

T: 01244 511 000

Journalism BAYou will work in a newsroom atmosphere writing news reports and features generated by yourself, before progressing to produce your own magazines.

Opportunities for work placements exist in Year 2 of the course that will enable successful graduates of the course to produce work that can be used as a portfolio material.

Journalism MAThe MA in Journalism is intended for those who wish to undertake practical training in journalism while simultaneously reflecting critically on the media at a time of considerable change. The course addresses these issues in the UK and internationally, while providing students with a practical framework from which they can underpin their analysis.