The Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies is a world-leading centre for media teaching and research.
We offer a wide range of courses at various levels. Our undergraduate degree is an academic, research-based degree which can also be combined with English or Sociology. Our postgraduate degrees range from industry oriented, practice-based training to more academic degrees, from Masters to PhD.
The School combines a long-standing record of excellence in teaching and training with an outstanding research portfolio – routinely winning awards from a wide range of bodies. This reputation was recently recognised in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), which ranked the school 2nd for the quality of its journalism, media and communications research when compared with 66 other institutions in the UK.
89% of the School’s research was classed as either ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ by REF, with both the school’s research environment and the impact of its research receiving the top possible score of 100%.
Our lecturers regularly contribute expert opinion and commentary about research and topical news events to the national media and the school blog – JOMEC @ Cardiff University.
Prospective and current students can keep up-to-date with news and events using @CardiffJOMEC on Twitter and also Facebook, where the school is often referred to by the acronym JOMEC. We are also part of the University’s College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.
Key Contacts
Head of School
Professor Stuart Allan or
+44(0)29 208 75420
Deputy Head of School
Professor Richard Sambrook
+44(0)29 208 74509
Director of Research Environment and Development
Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
+44(0)29 208 79414
Director of Research Impact and Engagement
Professor Jenny Kitzinger
+44(0)29 208 74571
School Manager
Ms Jo Marshall
+44(0)29 208 74916
School Secretary
Ms Sarah Bruford
+44(0)29 208 74509
General Contacts
Undergraduate Enquiries / / +44(0)29 208 74041
Postgraduate Enquiries / / +44(0)29 208 74786
School Enquiries / / +44(0)29 208 74509
Courses | |
BA Media, Journalism and Culture – Single Honours | The degree is concerned with the study and examination of an essential part of modern life – the media. The overall aim of Media, Journalism and Culture is to equip you to become a well-informed citizen in a media saturated society.The School’s programmes study the many facets of journalism, media, culture and communications, and consider in an era of globalisation and dynamic social change their impact on society, politics and popular culture. Our degrees provide you with job-specific skills such as research methods and optionally, journalistic practice as well as much broader transferable skills valuable to a range of sectors. The degree begins from the assumption that in order to understand modern society, we need to understand the central role that media and the cultural industries play in that society. While you will be able to take a limited number of more practical modules, the emphasis of the degree is academic and analytical. You will join a stimulating intellectual environment commited to maximising your potential through personal development and careers events. Many of our experienced lecturers are internationally recognised in their subject areas. |
BA Journalism and Communications – Single Honours | The degree is concerned with the production, content and reception of all journalism and communications.On a practical level, you will produce portfolios (including digital portfolios), practice journalistic writing skills across a number of platforms including online, broadcast, print and magazines, pitch ideas for new editorial products and businesses, and use a variety of software to produce graphic outputs, blogs, apps, and social media campaigns. While you will be able to take a number of practical modules, the emphasis of the degree is academic and analytical. You will be able to follow a clear journalism and communication path throughout the three years of study which will culminate in journalism based dissertation. Crucially, students will gain the ability to research, write and critique their own written projects according to highest academic standards. They will utilise modern information technology in researching and presenting their work. You will develop your ability to work both independently and in groups. Finally, students will develop and hone an awareness of the practical and economic forces which frame the media, cultural and creative industries, leaving you ideally placed to work in any field where communication skills are required. While Journalism and Communications in particular is a product of the school’s extensive and growing communications environment, the degree also benefits from the school’s experience teaching and researching both journalism and media studies from national and international perspectives. |
BA Media and Communications – Single Honours | The degree is concerned with the study of the media and cultural industries and their roles in modern society.Through your studies you will develop an understanding of the historical and cultural bases of the study of the media and cultural industries and their roles in modern society. You will be instructed in the ways in which participatory access to the central sites of public culture and communication is distributed along axes of social division such as disability, class, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and sexuality. Critical and analytical thinking skills are developed in a variety of areas including the study of popular cultures. The degree engages critically with major thinkers, debates and intellectual paradigms within the field and puts them to productive use. Students will be able to follow a clear culture and communication path throughout the three years of study which will culminate in a cultural studies based dissertation. While Journalism and Communications in particular is a product of the school’s extensive and growing communications environment, the degree also benefits from the school’s experience teaching and researching both journalism and media studies from national and international perspectives. |
BA Welsh and Journalism – Joint Honours | For the first time, students will have the opportunity to study a Joint Honours degree in Welsh and Journalism.The Welsh programme is relevant to contemporary Wales and delivered by a school noted for its research quality and impact. The programme’s main aim is to produce graduates who have three key attributes: firstly, a thorough academic and practical understanding of the Welsh language, its literature and culture; secondly, a high level of skill in written and spoken Welsh; and thirdly, well-developed employability and creative skills that are highly valued in today’s competitive workplace. The programme has been carefully designed with these attributes in mind, and so offers a wide range of core and optional modules which will provide you with a grounding in language and literature as well as the opportunity to specialise in areas of personal or vocational interest. The overall aim of Journalism is to equip students to become well informed citizens in a media saturated society. While students will be able to take a number of practical modules, the emphasis of the degree is academic and analytical. Students will study the production, content and reception of journalism and communications. They will have the opportunity to develop academic, professional and digital literacies that are invaluable in the workplace. The study of Welsh provides students with well-developed linguistic and critical skills, as well as a deep understanding of the language’s literature and culture. A Joint Honours degree is equal in status to a Single Honours degree, although the time spent on each subject is effectively halved. Applicants to this degree will normally have studied some post-16 qualifications through the medium of Welsh. |
BA Journalism, Media and English Literature – Joint Honours | The joint honours degree in Journalism and English Literature provides you with the opportunity of specialising in two university honours subjects.The Joint Honours degree in Journalism, Media and English Literature provides you with the opportunity of specialising in two university honours subjects. While the Journalism part of the degree examines the media in its growth and historical and cultural significance in shaping our lives, the English Literature modules focus on the critical analysis of a range of texts from different periods together with the exploration of complex ideas. Many students find joint honours both stimulating and rewarding as they observe both similarities and differences in the two subjects. Often there are complementary issues and perspectives as well as skills and that link the subjects, be they critical analysis, historical contexts or recent research. Each school involved in delivering the degree offers a challenging set of modules, supported by a friendly atmosphere and excellent staff-student relationships. |
BA Journalism, Media and Sociology – Joint Honours | Sociology and media affects us all, making the close link between Journalism and Sociology undeniable.The School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies and the School of Social Sciences both place great emphasis on student choice with numerous elective modules available for you to choose from alongside your core modules of study. This enables you to tailor your degree to meet your personal interests. |
BA Journalism, Communications and Politics – Joint Honours | The degree is devoted to the study of the relations and interplays between politics and the media.The relations and interplays between the media and politics have been growing and becoming more intertwined in the past decades. Institutional politics have become more mediatised, and political leaders are now media-driven and speak in soundbites. Political campaigning is not limited to pre-electoral periods any more, and PR strategists and political consultants have become more and more central to politics. These links are affecting policy too, both at the national and the international levels. The spread of the internet and the development of social media has also brought changes to the relations between citizens and their political representatives, and constitute a new platform for citizens’ political deliberation, and for the organisation of activists, protesters, and new social movements (often at a transnational level). This new degree (starting in 2016) has been created to critically examine these issues (amongst many others). |
PG Diploma/MA Broadcast Journalism | The aim of Broadcast Journalism degree is to impart a set of knowledge and skills that should enable any graduate of the course to compete effectively for any recognised entry-level job in broadcast journalism.Radio and Television trainingBroadcast Journalism covers both radio and television journalism training and it is aimed at those wishing to pursue a career in these industries. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a lively interest in news and, ideally, some evidence of their commitment to the field acquired through student journalism or some other means. At Cardiff, you will learn all the fundamentals of the business: how to write, report, present and interview for radio and television. The course can be studied as a 1 year Masters which includes a dissertation or a 9 month Diploma which does not include the dissertation. Core production skills trainingYou will be taught core production skills to get stories on air. Most important of all, we will develop your skills in finding stories, judging them and presenting them in the most effective manner. All of this takes place in a highly realistic broadcast newsroom, with digital desktop editing facilities. Students also work in the TV news studio, its control room and editing gallery, and in the radio suite, which combines a studio and two news booths. During the Easter period, you will go on work attachment to a UK broadcaster. Practical work includes the coverage of live events, such as the National Assembly for Wales, courts, council meetings, press conferences, sports and entertainment events and other news stories. Students are expected to generate their own stories during the course and to learn to construct their own radio and television features. |
MSc Computational Journalism | This full-time MSc focuses on the development of knowledge and skills through research-informed learning in digital journalism, data science, computer coding and digital development. These core elements in the Msc will be supplemented by a range of options enabling students to study media and computational issues by participation in new and existing modules.MSc Computational Journalism is a joint honours degree delivered by Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Stuides (JOMEC) and Cardiff School Of Computer Science & Informatics (COMSC), where JOMEC is the designated Home school. JOMEC’s optional modules will offer students the opportunity to address media issues where data and digital skills are relevant such as health and science media; business and economics reporting; international crisis reporting and the transition from print to digital platforms. Additionally, COMSC will offer new modules in Visual Communication and Information Design and Web Application Development, delivering the skills required for students to retrieve, analyse and present data. JOMEC will also offer a new compulsory module: Digital Investigation, as an introduction to the history and current issues in data journalism and computer assisted reporting. This MSc in Computational Journalism is primarily designed for recent graduates seeking a rigorous foundation for a career in digital journalism, media development and the creative industries. |
MA Digital Media and Society | The MA Digital Media and Society explores the role of new digital media in shaping and transforming society. It investigates how media audiences become producers, how citizen journalism and digital culture change established norms and practices, how social media and peer production affect politics and business, and how technology is related to power and social change.The digitization of media and the emergence of new digital communication platforms have had significant impacts on our communication practices, our place and activities in a mediatized environment, and thus our role as citizens. They have disrupted established business models, and power relations, and have facilitated the emergence of new media practices. Audiences are challenging the roles of traditional information brokers; ‘Twitter revolutions’ and online activism affect political change; values of openness and sharing infuse knowledge production; and interaction and participation become the norm (and their management a key skill). At the same time, new commercial empires are emerging, monitoring and surveillance by both businesses and governments are expanding, and content is increasingly filtered and controlled. This course offers a thorough understanding of these current transformations and equips students with the analytical skills to investigate digital media in the context of social, political and economic change. It provides a solid grounding in the concepts, theories and research methods of media and communication studies, as well as opportunities to specialise in various areas of digtal communication. Further, students can develop their own research project as part of their dissertation. The MA draws on the strength and diversity of Cardiff’s staff, giving students a unique opportunity to work with academics whose research is at the cutting edge of exploring how media are changing in a dynamic global communications environment. The degree will engage with the School’s new research group ‘Digital Media and Society‘ and its ‘Centre for Community Journalism‘. |