
‘I see orange people…all the time’. What’s the deal with fake tan?

As a naturally blonde and proud-to-be pale individual, not to mention probably the only girl in the world who refuses to wear make-up, then my thoughts on fake tan should already be apparent!

As a naturally blonde and proud-to-be pale individual, not to mention probably the only girl in the world who refuses to wear make-up, then my thoughts on fake tan should already be apparent!

As an individual who occasionally indulges in the addictive trash of ‘The Only Way is Essex’, not to mention being, well a woman living in the 21st century, then fake tan enters my line of vision as regularly as a local Tesco. And I guess with it being everywhere and anywhere it’s no wonder so many people are using it. 

I’ve heard many a girl say they think that if you look pale then you look ill. In all fairness with my usual bedtimes of at least midnight, many days spent traveling and as already mentioned naturally pale complexion, then my skin and the bags under my eyes are probably the one’s giving us pale folk a bad name. In that case I’m not surprised if they think I look ill! But not every member of the pale society has such an appearance. For example does someone like Kiera Knightly look ill? No. Even if she did does, would becoming orange make then her look well? Surely that would make her look like she had Carotenemia.

Robert Patterson also springs to mind as he’s as white as white gets yet he makes teenage girls fall at his feet everywhere he goes. It’s not just the fellas though. Emma Watson for example; pale, yet beautiful. Now can you honestly say they look worse than Katie Price, David Dickinson and Amy Childs? I think not.  

I fully appreciate that women (and the occasional man) can do as they wish with their body. In fact I am a firm believer in doing what makes you happy – whether that be rocking socks with sandals, dating someone twenty years older than you, or in this case wearing fake tan, but I still can’t fully get my head around the idea. So many girls obviously think it makes them look more attractive but if you haven’t seen episodes of ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ yet then maybe you should… Just a piece of advice. 

And as for men! Of course there will be girls out there who would want to shack up with a bronzed looking Mark Wright wannabe, but if it’s any consolation lads I would far rather have a pale dweeb then some ripped orange any day of the week. Anyway enough of my choice in men, back to the tan. 

Nose jobs, breast implants and liposuction are all forms of altering one’s natural appearance and something many would never do and may even frown upon. So why fake tan? OK, it may not be as drastic or as permanent, but at the end of the day it’s a way of modifying oneself and one’s natural beauty. I guess it’s a way of saying your natural self is not good enough to which I strongly disagree. To me everyone’s natural self is good enough.

The amount of attractive people I see who in my opinion damage that beauty with the aid of fake tan is upsetting. There are so many beautiful people out there who aren’t orange and you can be one of them. Join the revolution today. 

If orange is the look you want and it makes you feel better in your skin then go for it. At the end of the day it’s your choice and I would MUCH rather someone use the bottle than use the sunbed, but I will always think it’s a shame to see so many girls out there succumb to the misguided glorified tube of orange paste when they look just fine without it!