
How to get back into shape after a long break

Written by C Wolsey

There are many reasons that people take a break from exercise. Whether you’ve been busier than usual, recovering from an injury or struggling with motivation, there are many valid reasons to give going to the gym a rest. However, if you’re thinking about getting back into fitness, it might not come as easily as it once did. If waking up in the morning to go for a jog feels unbearable, then you might need a helping hand to get you back on track. Here are some things you can do:

Look for a personal trainer

One of the best ways to keep yourself accountable, a personal trainer will not only make sure you show up for your workouts, but can help you progress at a more manageable speed. Your chosen professional will listen to your concerns and assess your current ability, making sure that the exercises you’re doing aren’t going to be too much too soon. Even if you don’t think you’re going to need professional fitness advice for a long period of time, it can be worth consulting one of the many experienced personal trainers in London while you get back on your feet. This is especially the case if you’ve had an injury that has kept you off your game for a while.

Have a set routine

When you’re used to exercising on a regular basis, your workouts are second nature because they’re part of your routine. It’s this loss of routine that makes getting back into fitness so difficult. When you’re starting to get back to the gym, try and go on set days each week and at the same time. This could be before or after work, or even on your lunch break. Whatever you decide, make sure you stick by your decision.

Set realistic goals

Depending on how long you’ve gone without exercising, you may be a long way from where you used to be. This means that it might take some time for you to be able to run ten miles or do 100 squats again. Telling yourself that you’ll be able to achieve this in a matter of weeks can be very disheartening when you aren’t even close. Set small, achievable goals and take your new routine a week at a time.

Ask for support from loved ones

Getting fit again can be really hard when you’re on your own. Sometimes a little bit of moral support can go a long way, so reach out to family and friends and ask for some words of encouragement. Not only will you have the emotional backing, but telling people of your plans may encourage you to succeed on your journey. You never know, some of your friends might become inspired and join you for a morning run. This will help you to feel like you’re part of something bigger than just yourself and your own goals.

Don’t forget, making the decision to get back into fitness is sometimes the hardest hurdle, so you’re already well on your way to a healthier future.