
Gutierrez diagnosis a reminder to get checked

The footballing world was shocked this week to learn of the news that Newcastle United midfielder Jonas Gutierrez has had a testicle removed after being

The footballing world was shocked this week to learn of the news that Newcastle United midfielder Jonas Gutierrez has had a testicle removed after being diagnosed with cancer and is continuing with treatment.

Reports say that the 31-year-old Argentine winger travelled back to his home country in December 2013 to have the operation and chemotherapy before returning back to Tyneside. The midfielder then spent the rest of the 2013-2014 campaign on loan at Norwich City before returning home for more treatment.

Affectionately known as Spiderman due to his celebration where he puts on a mask of the superhero – the midfielder now looks unrecognisable to the player who dazzled the Geordie faithful. The Argentine midfielder who starred at the 2010 World Cup told of his operation while speaking on Argentine television.

“I detected a tumour in a testicle.

“When I confirmed the cancer, I went home crying.  This is the most difficult game that I had to play. I had the operation in Argentina; I had the left testicle removed.”

It’s a shock to see someone who was so fit and healthy and turning Premier League defenders inside out on a weekly basis looking so weak and ill and there has been outpouring of support for the midfielder.

Gutiérrez has himself tweeted his thanks for the support, although Newcastle United have yet to release a statement amidst a week of turmoil on Tyneside.  

Jonas’ illness has also brought about a reminder of the dangers of testicular cancer and why men should check themselves regularly as early detection is vital.  The illness is usually found in males aged 15-49 but accounts for only 1 per cent of male cancers and if detected early enough, 96 per cent of men will make a full recovery.

Men can often be embarrassed to check themselves and even more so if they find something unusual with their testicles, many will ignore the issue and some refuse to visit a doctor.  But there is nothing to be embarrassed about – you should check yourself monthly and if you find anything or feel you are suffering from the symptoms below, do not hesitate to visit your GP.

The Symptoms?

·         a dull ache or sharp pain in your testicles or scrotum, which may come and go

·         a feeling of heaviness in your scrotum

·         a sudden collection of fluid in your scrotum

·         fatigue, or a general feeling of being unwell

You may feel that you’ve find something and you may think that you’re wasting the GP’s time by visiting them – I can say that from personal experience – but it is better to be safe than sorry. 

So how do you check?

The best time do so is after a warm shower or bath and you should examine yourself by holding your scrotum in the palms of your hands and use your finger and thumb to rub over the testicle.

You should feel for lumps and bumps but hopefully everything will be normal and you will find that they feel smooth with no lumps or swellings with a soft, tube-like section at the top and back of each testicle.

If you do find anything that make you worry, see your GP immediately. It’s usually nothing to worry about at all.

Jonas Gutiérrez’s illness is a sharp remind that even those at the peak of their health and fitness can fall foul to a devastating disease like cancer: we wish him a speedy and full recover.

And remember to check ’em! 

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